The South Australian Government announced an important Review of the SA Carers Recognition Act 2005. This is a review of the SA-specific legislation and therefore in addition to the Inquiry into the Australian Carers Recognition Act 2010 earlier this year.
We at Carers SA will make a submission to the SA’s Act’s Review and advocate for stronger rights-based language for the Act. We encourage the community, organisations and Carers to speak up and provide feedback to this Review.
Carers SA has produced a special Fact Sheet for Carers, which explains the key statements of current Carer Recognition legislation. The information will also assist Carers to provide feedback to the current SA Government’s review of the South Australian Carer Recognition Act 2005, on how the key statements of the current Act translate into your experiences as Carers.
Submissions and Feedback can be provided in a number of ways outlined below:
SA Government page on YourSay see Carers Recognition Act Review | YourSay include options to:
- Complete a survey via a survey link from that page
- Register to attend the public forum for Carers scheduled on the 27 November and/or
- Writing a submission using the questions in the Discussion Paper as a guide or
write your own feedback and suggestions, and either
Emai it to CarersActReview@sa.gov.au or post it to:
Department for Human Services
Att: Social Inclusion - Carers
GPO Box 292